CSV files are used as an alternative to internally built Outlook email lists. These files allow users to create custom lists without relying on IT departments.
The file must include an "Email" header in cell 1A and list each email address (one per cell) in the same column.
Users also have the option to include additional data in the CSV which can allow for further customization using merge tags (NOTE: merge tags are only available when using Individual tracking).
Step One: CSV Formatting Best Practices
- Title the first column "Email", and include each email address in the same column.
- Email addresses must be formatted correctly: all have domains, no spaces before or after.
- Pro Tip 1: Use the trim function to remove spaces in cells.
- No duplicate email addresses.
- Pro Tip 2: Use the duplicate function to remove duplicates.
- Do not include any special characters (ex.: Hélène should be changed to Helene)
- Remove columns not being used as a merge field.
- Save the file with the extension .csv (MUST be all lowercase).
Upload CSV Limit
ContactMonkey has a limit of up to 10,000 recipients for any one .CSV file. It is recommended that you keep the CSV file to much less than 10,000 recipients so that the users email limits won't be reached.
Step Two: Uploading the CSV to ContactMonkey
Use the "Upload CSV" function in the ContactMonkey sidebar to validate the CSV and upload it as the intended recipient list. ContactMonkey will validate the CSV by informing you the amount of rows/emails processed.
When sending to a CSV list, please ensure that the Outlook TO field is empty as ContactMonkey will only send the email to the recipients on the CSV.
Feel free to download the sample CSV file as an example below.