When enabled, the video content block allows you to share your video content easily in your emails. You only need to copy and paste the URL of your video from YouTube or Vimeo, and the editor will do the rest: it will automatically grab the cover image for the video, overlay a Play icon on top of it, and link it to the video content.
Is your video private, or not hosted on Youtube/Vimeo?
If your video is private or not hosted on Youtube or Vimeo, please check out this article.
Inserting a Publicly Available Video
The "Content properties" section will ask you to provide a video URL from YouTube or Vimeo, the popular video hosting services that we currently support.
1. Insert a video block into an empty row.
2. Insert a valid URL under "Content Properties:.
Once you insert a valid URL, the content block in the editing panel will display the cover image for the video with a Play icon overlaid on top of it. You can edit the type, color, and size of the Play icon to change the way it looks. Note that the editor can't access password-protected videos to get the cover image.