There are three ways in which you can insert an attachment into your email; you can link it to a button, link it to an image or a normal hyperlink.
Why embed attachments instead of attaching directly?
Inserting attachments directly in Outlook limits you to a maximum file size of 4mb when sending with ContactMonkey. ContactMonkey allows you to upload files of up to 20mb - and when embedded in your email can also capture click rates on these attachments.
ContactMonkey always recommends embedding all of your attachments.
Linking an attachment to a Button:
- Drag a Button from the content blocks into the desired row in your template.
- Click the Button, then navigate to the right sidebar and click ‘Link file’ under the URL field.
- From here, you are brought to your File Manager, where you can attach an existing file or upload a new one.
- Once your file is uploaded, insert it from the File Manager page, and it will link to the button.
Change Button Text
To customize the button text, click on the button, and the word processor should open up. From there, you can change the text to your preference. For example, you can type in "link to file" or "open pdf".
Linking attachment to Hyperlink:
- Highlight the desired text within your text box on your template.
- Click the ‘Insert/edit link’ button in the text menu bar.
- For Link Type, select File Manager and upload or insert the attachment from here.
- Once inserted, the attachment will be linked to the hyperlink.
Linking attachments to an image:
- Upload the image you want to hyperlink into your file manager, and then insert it into your email.
- Click on the image to bring up the settings on the right-hand side.
- Insert a file by selecting "Link File".
When your HTML email is sent using ContactMonkey, your readers can click to open the attachment. Linking attachments this way allows ContactMonkey to track and report on the engagement of your attachment as well.
Check out this video for more detailed information!