The email builder is where you can edit all of your emails and templates. Everyone should have access to it and have learned how to use it during your ContactMonkey onboarding.
Once you are logged in to your ContactMoney account, you will see the below headers in your dashboard:
Email Library
In this section, you can edit an existing email within the template builder. Check out this section of the help centre for more information!
My Templates
Clicking on a template will allow you to edit it, which will not add it to the email library. Only you are able to edit the templates you own, while your team members can use your templates to build new emails. All of your templates will be visible to your team when creating a new email in the “Team Templates” tab.
Create New Email
Clicking on this button will open a slide out window on the right-hand side where you can review your team's templates and sample templates. From here, you can select any of your "Team Templates", "Sample Templates", or "Start from Scratch".
Any of these options will move you to a brief second step in the process where you will be asked to name and optionally tag your email. Clicking the blue Create button will open the Email Builder.