ContactMonkey allows administrators of their ContactMonkey Internal Communications account to have many User Management options. By having self-management tools, administrators can take care of many issues, including:
- Sending an invitation to a new user and add them to an organization.
- Check how many licenses are remaining
- Download a User List for auditing purposes
- Change and Adjust user roles
- Deactivate users
- Create and manage team memberships
Accessing the User Management page
- Administrators can log in to their account at the ContactMonkey Login Page. Please remember to select the region where your environment resides if it is not in the US.
- Once logged in, click on the upper right corner, where your name is, and select settings
- Click on User Management in the left sidebar
- Once you are at this section, you can perform the actions below
Invite new users
- In the User Management console, click on the Users tab.
- Select Invite a User from the top-right corner
- Enter the new user's details and send the invitation
- Provide the First and Last Name
- Email address (this will be the email address used to log into the ContactMonkey environment)
- Role (for more information about roles, please visit the following page on role definitions)
- Primary Team/Initial Team
- Secondary Teams (if necessary)
- Once you click on Invite, the new user will receive an email asking them to log in and providing instructions on getting started.
Pro tip: Have a lot of users?
Reach out to your dedicated account manager! They can handle all the setup for you.
Resend or withdraw an invite
- In the User Management console, click on the Users tab.
- Search for the user you would like to resend or withdraw an invite. They must have a pending status
- Click on the ellipses (...) next to their name and select the appropriate option.
Deactivate users
Each user can be deactivated from the User Management page
- In the User Management console, click on the Users tab.
- Search for the user you would like to change
- Click on the ellipses (...) next to their name and select deactivate. Please note that these options will only appear for Active users.
- When deactivating users, please keep in mind that the user's access will be removed, but the assets the user owns will stay with the respective team. A user can be "reactivated" by re-sending an invite as a new user using the same email.
Manage team memberships and teams
Team memberships are an exciting way to organize your content and users into more manageable groups. Utilizing ContactMonkey Teams, you can work cross-functionally, sending comms on behalf of multiple teams, organize templates, and other exciting functions.
Create and manage teams
- In the User Management console, click on the Teams tab.
- You can create a team by clicking the Create Team button, adding the team's name, and clicking Create.
- From here, you can see the number of users assigned to each team. If you want to remove or rename a team, click on the ellipses and select the appropriate option.
Please note: If a team has primary users, they should be moved to another team before deleting it.
Adding users to a team and managing memberships
Users can be assigned teams when they are first added to an organization, but if their membership needs to be adjusted afterward, this can be done from the user's tab on an individual user level.
- In the User Management console, click on the Users tab.
- Find the user you would like to adjust. Click on the ellipses (...) next to their name and select edit.
- Select the team adjustments you want to execute in the Primary and Secondary Team fields. Secondary teams can be removed by clicking the X next to the team's name.
- Click on Save to complete the changes
License count
Customers can easily find their license count on the User Management page in the upper right corner.
Downloading a user list for audits
Customers may want to audit their users and may want to do so through a different application. It is easy to download a CSV file from the User Management console for that purpose
- In the User Management console, click on the Users tab.
- Click on the download icon to initiate a report that will be sent to your email
- An email with a link to a CSV file will be sent to your email address. The CSV file contains information on each user, their status, the teams that they are a part of, and their role