Follow the steps below to send a campaign using ContactMonkey's SMS tool.
Access the tool by going into your dashboard, expanding your profile in the top right corner and select "Switch to SMS"
Once you are in the SMS dashboard, click into "Compose and Send"
Once in the compose window, input your send details.
- Campaign Name: The name that will show in the Analytics tab of the SMS dashboard.
Send To: Select your recipients (one of two options).
- Select an existing contact list you have saved from the drop-down menu (see the How To Leverage Advanced List Filtering To Segment Your Lists section of this Help Center article for more information on how to save contact lists).
- Upload a CSV file. Click on the CSV icon to upload an existing CSV, or click on the cloud with a downward arrow icon to download and use our Sample CSV. If you will be uploading a CSV to send to, please reference this Help Center article for CSV upload best practices within our SMS product.
- Message: Copy/Paste or type in the message you want to send to your intended recipients. Clicks rates will be measured on all links within the SMS.
- Preview: View the message sitting within a sample cellular device.
- Once you are ready, click send!
Important Things To Note
If you are choosing to send to an existing contact list, ContactMonkey will show you how many recipients are eligible to receive the SMS message, based on if the contacts have a properly formatted phone number added to their contact record in ContactMonkey.
If you would like to update your contacts on an existing contact list you have saved to ensure that they have a properly formatted phone number, please reference this Help Center article on best practices for updating existing contacts in the Directory. Depending on how you have synced your contacts in the Directory, how you update contact records will differ.
If you are choosing to either upload your own CSV file, or using our Sample CSV, in order to ensure SMS deliverability, please ensure you are following proper phone number formatting (numbers must be formatted in E.164 format).
What is E.164 format?
E.164 is an internationally-recognized standard phone number format that will help to ensure the deliverability of SMS messages.
E.164 numbers are formatted [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] and can have a maximum of fifteen digits.
E.164 phone number formatting requires the following:
- International Country Calling code
- Local Area code
- Local Phone number
Ex: +15555555555
Note: ContactMonkey will automatically append a '+' sign to your phone numbers whenever you are uploading contacts in the Directory tab, or using the one-off CSV sending functionality within the Compose & Send section of our SMS product. Users are still required to include a country calling code, and area code in order to ensure SMS deliverability.
If you are an SMS customer, please continue to reference this Help Center article that mentions the current countries that SMS messages are supported for in ContactMonkey, in addition to country codes.